Off-site Manufacturing in Data Centre Construction

Built Environment Magazine speaks to Mikey Ryan, Kirby Operations Director.

Kirby prides itself on delivering high quality services in an efficient and timely manner. To this end, its drive towards off-site manufacturing in the construction of data centres is proving hugely successful for all stakeholders. In fact, such has been the demand and growth in this type of project delivery that Kirby is building a large, off-site manufacturing facility in Portlaoise, which is planned be completed in 2024.

Operations Director at Kirby, Mikey Ryan says, constructing data centres requires a high level of coordination and precision. “The key is early engagement with the design team, operations team, the BIM team, engineers and of course the client, to coordinate a full model that can be built off-site. Data centre construction involves huge structural work, with many kilometres of containment, pipework and cable to install. Off-site manufacturing on these projects brings about efficiencies that allows schedules to be condensed. For example, when construction happens off-site, it eliminates the need to wait for a building to be weather-proof to start a project. That’s critical for the tight schedule that data centre projects generally have.”

Another key aspect of off-site manufacturing is the enhanced safety it brings to projects. “When we’re building off-site, on-site hours are reduced, which therefore means we have less machinery. The requirement for working at height and the use of equipment such as MEWPs (Mechanically Elevated Working Platforms) is also reduced. As well as offering enhanced safety, cutting down on equipment offers the client better value for money and lessens the need for outsourcing.”

Installation of Modules

Kirby sees off-site manufacturing, whether it’s for data centres, pharmaceutical or med-tech projects, as a key strategy for the company into the future. “We have a very healthy pipeline for a number of years to come with data centre clients in Ireland, the UK and across Europe.

In all these instances we will be carrying out off-site manufacturing. We have really shown our expertise in this area, and proven that it offers considerable benefits to the end-user. Given the correct amount of time, collaboration and attention to detail, off-site manufacturing is the most efficient, sustainable, safe and cost-effective solution for clients, and will be a key part of Kirby’s offering long into the future.”

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Built Environment Magazine speaks to Mikey Ryan, Kirby Operations Director.
Built Environment Magazine speaks to Mikey Ryan, Kirby Operations Director.
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